Claudia Scotto di Rinaldi is an Illustrator based in Italy. She is the author of Haru - La leggenda Alata, edited by GG Studio. When she's not drawing or painting, she gives art lessons for children and young teens.
Born 1998, she spent her childhood sorrounded by the sea and wilderness on an island near Naples: Procida. She grew an interest in nature, which she held dear and loved to study and paint. Water-based techniques were her preference: they flew across the paper like waves of water against the shore and gusts of wind through foliage.
Her preferred mediums are ecoline inks, which allow her to use a bright palette and create interesting color gradients. She prefers naturalistic settings. Common characters in her work are animals, particularly owls. Owls are peculiar: some cultures see them as ill omens, while some cultures view them as bringers of luck and protection. She uses them often in her work as they fit well with different kinds of stories and tones, from the comical to the serious.
In order to create compelling artwork, she believes it's crucial to cultivate a wide range of interests. She often delves in fields different from visual arts: from studies of science, culture, history and historical fashion, to the practice of the martial art of Taekwondo.
Work Experience
Book cover
for 'Storie di uno Sceneggiatore'
Edited by Fioranna Edizioni
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2022 - 2023
Art Teacher
for the 'DISEGNO KIDS' course
Academy of Visual Arts and New Media
Scuola Internazionale di Comics di Napoli
Via Tarsia 44, 80135 , Naples
Published Book
'Haru - La Leggenda Alata'
Edited by GG Studio
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2017 - present
Illustration and Product Design
Teepublic and Redbubble
2020 - 2021
Master in Illustration
Academy of Visual Arts and New Media
Scuola Internazionale di Comics di Napoli
Via Tarsia 44, 80135 , Naples
2017 - 2020
Academy of Visual Arts and New Media
Scuola Internazionale di Comics di Napoli
Via Tarsia 44, 80135 , Naples
2012 - 2017
Language High School
English (C1) - French (B1) - Spanish (B1)
ISS - F. Caracciolo - G. da Procida